Tibet Travel Preparing Info


Travel Preparing Info of Tibet page provides important information to help you plan and prepare for your journey to Tibet. We do our best to update this information regularly. Please contact us to clarify anything and help plan your trip to Tibet

Required Document for Traveller: Traveller must carry a valid travel document i.e. passport, visa, re-entry Permit etc. Nepal Adventure Point is not responsible for lost or stolen personal items and also will not be responsible for any liability due to travel document. Once programmed is booked clients are requested to send us the following details 3 weeks before you arrival to Kathmandu.
• Full Name (as in the passport):
• Sex:
• Passport Number:
• Passport issue Date:
• Passport Expiry Date:
• Date of Birth:
• Nationality:
• Occupation:
• Passport photo copy:
• Passport size photo
• Flight details:
• Telephone No:
• E-mail:

Travel Insurance: Travel insurance is highly recommended who are joining any of our trips that you take out personal travellers insurance policy that must covers you for medical assistance, emergency helicopter rescue, cancellation, accidents, health, lost of items, theft of or damage to baggage and personal effects. The insurance we require you to take out makes sure everyone is properly covered if such an event occurs.

Physical Requirements: We suggest travellers to be in good health condition enough to be able to walk up and down on moderate hills on a daily basis, Tibet tours are not highly demanding physically. You may be away from modern medical facilities for some days. Travelers with a pre-existing heart and lung problems should consult their doctors before taking Tibet tours. According to the scientific studies, high altitude sickness has nothing to do with the age, sex or state of fitness of the travelers and can affect anyone who travels to the areas with the elevation of over 10,000 feet. Medicine is only treatment for high altitude sickness, so consult the doctors for getting the prescribed medicines.

Important Stuff: We suggest you to bring 2 passport-size photos with you. You should also make copies of passport & visa, one to bring with you and one to leave with family or friends. Keep these separate from your passport. Other things you should have copies of are insurance policy, birth and health certificate, a record of bank details and traveler’s cheque details. You should also have contact numbers of next to kin, Bank and insurance company and your travel agent/ flight booking office.

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